RAU - Russian-Armenian University

RAU - Russian-Armenian University
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RAU offers a diverse range of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs. The main language of instruction is Russian; however, we offer courses in Armenian and English as well. Upon graduation, students receive two Diplomas: Armenian and Russian. The University comprises 31 Departments and 9 Institutes: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Physics, Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy, Institute of Economics and Business, Institute of Law, Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Science, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Institute of Media, Advertising and Film Production, Institute of Oriental Studies.

The University prepares specialists with up-to-date knowledge and skill ensuring their place in the competitive job market.

Attracting ethnic Armenian prospective students from all over the region, the University fulfills the role of a significant repatriation center in the country. Around 30% of students admitted to RAU each year are young people from CIS countries: Russia (which stands for the largest Armenian Diaspora), Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries.

In 2017, on the 20th anniversay since founding, Russian-Armenian University established its 7 values: ACADEMIC FREEDOM, LOVE, FAIRNESS, SOLIDARITY, CREATIVITY, DIGNITY, COGNITION AND PERSONAL GROWTH.

RAU is widely recognized for its prominent activity in the regional educational and scientific environment and it continues to expand its work internationally. The University’s growing international network provides students and lecturers with various opportunities for mobility.

At RAU, we have long identified scientific research as our priority. Students of all levels are encouraged to embark on scientific explorations and participate in research conferences. Professors and postgraduate students conduct activities geared towards solving fundamental issues of modern science, their research interests varying from Natural and Computer Sciences to Social Sciences and Humanities:

Research in Natural and Computer Sciences: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Organic and Physical Chemistry, Mathematics and IT, Information Security, Semiconductor Physics, Molecular Physics, Nanotechnology;

Research in Social Sciences and Humanities: Economics and Management, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, International Relations, History, PR and Mass Communication, Languages and Literature.

We conduct research at laboratories based within the Institutes of RAU and in cooperation with major Armenian science centers, including the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.